Casino Math Test Dealers


The quiz needs to state how the dealer deals the dealer getting with a BJ. The quiz assumes the dealer declares it straight away. Most online BJ games dont, they let player play first then the dealer declares it. So if player doubles or splits, the player loses that extra bet too. The biggest jackpots can usually be found in online slots and especially with the progressive Casino Math Test Dealers jackpots. Numerous players have won serious six and seven figure sums of money playing and winning on the big progressive Casino Math Test Dealers jackpot games. The test is appropriate for screening out people with minimal math skills. Target Group: People applying for retail positions that involve handling money. High Scorers: People who score high on the Cashier Math Test should be quicker at figuring total bills, making change, and spotting problems with arithmetic. THE ULTIMATE GAMING MATHEMATICS GUIDE. The opportunity to play a casino game is a product that the consumer purchases with his gaming dollar. The view I take is that the player wants to have a certain experience when he sits at a game and is willing to pay for that experience by means of the inevitable bite the house edge takes.

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You and your staff can practice and quantify your knowledge of Roulette Payoffs. Developed for me by Dale S. Yeazel, Casino Games Teacher, youll find the practice tests easy to navigate.

In my Game Protection Classes I describe Roulette payoffs as one of my two choices where $100.00 a day could easily be stolen. There is no other table game where 5 different sets of odds could be attached to one number. Each set of odds has to be calculated mentally and then added to create the total payoff. In many cases, the total payoff then has to be divided into a combination of Roulette Cheques and Value Chips. Easy for dealers to make mistakes. To help you learn, here are the correct payoffs for a standard American style roulette wheel.

ROUELTTE KEYS: These payoff keys will be helpful when learning to calculate payoffs.

Straight Up 35 to 1 If there is an Even Number of cheques on a number, the Key is; Divide the Even Number by 2 Multiply that number X7 Add a 0

Example: 12 Cheques Straight Up 12 ./. 2 =6 6 X 7 = 42 Add 0 = 420
If there is an Odd Number of cheques on a number, the Key is (remove the ODD Cheque); Divide the Even Number by 2 Multiply that number X 7 Add a 0

Example: 17 Cheques Straight Up 16 ./. 2 = 8 8 X 7 = 56 Add 0 = 560 + Odd cheque 560 + 35 = 595

Splits 17 to 1 If there is an Even Number of cheques on a Split bet, the Key is; Pay the Bet like a Blackjack 3 to 2 Add a 0 Then Add Double the Number of cheques on the Split Bet

Example: 12 Cheques Split Bet 12 pays 18 add 0 = 180 + 12 x 2 = 24 24 + 180 = 204

Splits 17 to 1 If there is an Odd Number of cheques on a Split bet, the Key is; (remove the ODD Cheque) Pay the Bet like a Blackjack 3 to 2 Add a 0 Then Add Double the Number of cheques on the Split Bet Add 17 for the Odd Cheque

Casino Math Test Dealers Online

Example: 15 Cheques Split Bet 14 pays 21 add 0 = 210 + 14 x 2 = 28 28 + 210 = 238 + 17 = 255

Street Bet 11 to 1 If there are 10 cheques or less on a Street Bet, simply multiply by 11. For any Number of cheques greater than 10 on a Street bet, the Key is; Add the two digits together and insert the answer between them. Example: 12 Cheques Street Bet 1 + 2 =3 (insert 3 between 1 2) = 132

Example: 25 Cheques Street Bet 2 + 5 =7 (insert 7 between 2 5) = 275

To Start: Click on One of the following drop downs;

HINT: For surveillance personnel, dont be afraid to use a calculator at first to learn the payoffs. Next try to Dope It Out. To Start: Click on One of the following drop downs

Casino Dealer Math Practice Test

  • The Works
  • Corners Splits Straight Up
  • Splits Straight Up
  • Corners Splits
  • Line Streets
Casino Math Test Dealers

NEXT: Click on New Bet (The winning number is always 17)
Calculate the Total Payoff

Casino Math Test

Click of the center White Box & enter your answer
Click on Answer

If your calculation is not correct, youll see a WRONG! message and the Correct Payoff. To continue, Click New Bet.

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