Preverino Il Baro Al Poker
Librerie on line italia Il baro al poker. Le tecniche e gli stratagemmi dei bari in tutte le varianti del poker, con un capi, libri universi. Comprare libri on line Il baro al poker. Le tecniche e gli stratagemmi dei bari in tutte le varianti del poker, con un capi, acquisto libri. Il baro al poker Le tecniche e gli stratagemmi dei bari in tutte le varianti del poker, con un capitolo anche sul gioco on line di Gianfranco Preverino Editore: Stampa Alternativa.
Vendita on line libri Il baro al poker. Le tecniche e gli stratagemmi dei bari in tutte le varianti del poker, con un capi, vendita libri on. Negozio libri online Il baro al poker. Le tecniche e gli stratagemmi dei bari in tutte le varianti del poker, con un capi, libri rari Il bar.

GIANFRANCO PREVERINO, is one of the most respected Italian magicians. Specializing in magic with playing cards, is among the world’s leading experts in the gambling techniques. Awarded in all major Italian magic competitions, he also received an award at the most important European magic Convention: the MacMillan’s in London. He has appeared in various television shows: Arcana (Rai Due), Masters of Magic (Canale Jimmy – Sky), Basta un Poco di Zucchero (Odeon TV), Festa in Piazza (Antenna 3), Tam (Telelombardia) and he has been a consultant for RAI in regards of matters concerning gambling frauds.
He is one of a select few members of the exclusive Escuela Magica de Madrid and he is also part of the group “FFFF”, which meets every year in Buffalo, USA. He lectures in Magic Clubs throughout Italy and has published effects and theoretical studies in books and magazines, Italian, Spanish and Americans. In 2002, Steve Beam included in his volume a trick by Gianfranco Preverino and Genii, the most important magic magazine of the World, praised the effect in its review as one of the best in the book. He has published three books:
Il Re dei Bari (Florence Art Edizioni): a complete treatise on gambling demonstrations, addressed only to the world of magicians.
Il Baro al Poker (Stampa Alternativa / Nuovi Equilibri Editore), explaining all the methods to cheat at poker: it can be found in all libraries. This text was sold out in just two months and it has just been reprinted. Thanks to this book, Preverino has appeared in articles in numerous Italian magazines such as Gioco & Giochi, Millionaire, Linus.
Vuoi Scommettere? (Stampa Alternativa) is a large collection on bets to do to friends at the bar, in restaurants or at parties.

He was honoured to received the cover by magazines such as Magia Moderna, Ims News and Magia. The latter is published twice a year and each issue is devoted to a particular magic subject: the issue about Gianfranco concerned cheaters and their relations with magicians.
Preverino Il Baro Al Poker Rules
He is the author and performer of the show Il Baro in Scena, which traces the history of gambling, life of cheaters and the relationships between them and magicians: a cross between a show and a historical reconstruction, with performances by tricks that are interspersed with anecdotes, references to old books, prints and photographs.
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