Whats Insurance In Blackjack


What Is Taking Insurance In Blackjack

A question I get asked quite frequently by casino players is whether they should take insurance in blackjack. It seems to be something that confuses a lot of people, even among those that fullyunderstand basic strategy and the role that math has to play in blackjack.

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When I’m asked this question I usually just give a simple answer (no), but I sometimes feel inclined to expand on this and explain why. I recently did this with a player who asked the question,and for one reason or another he just couldn’t seem to accept what I was saying. He was absolutely convinced that the insurance bet is always the right way to go.

My initial reaction was to wonder why he asked me the question in the first place, as he was so sure he knew the correct answer himself. My second reaction was to think that I should write a blogpost about taking insurance in blackjack. So here it is! I’ll explain exactly what the insurance bet is for any of you who are not familiar with it, and then use some basic math to explain whyit’s a bad bet.

Well, in blackjack, you’re insured against a certain outcome taking place in the game. Essentially, insurance is a side bet that is offered to you when the dealer’s face-up card is displayed as an Ace. So, you have the chance to place an additional bet which is equal to half of the original wager that you placed. You get an ace-queen - a fat and sassy blackjack. The dealer gets an ominous ace-up and says, 'insurance is open.' Do you take insurance. Or your chances? Ask a battalion of bettors and you're apt to receive all the following answers.